We just keep swimming!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Random Day

Today is October 13th, and it's just an ordinary Wednesday. I don't have anything significant to write about, but I just figured that I haven't in a while so I should.

Kylie is a little more than 6 months old now and she's already sitting up, pulling herself up, and trying to move in ways a normal 6 month old doesn't. I am pretty sure that Kayla was only rolling at this point, and perfecting sitting up. Kylie is ridiculously strong. I guess having two older brothers and Kayla to watch all day makes you really want to get going. The only problem is that she's so anxious to really move that she gets frustrated because she can't. You can tell she's trying to do things she's just not ready to do and it's understandably upsetting her. Once she does take off, though, I think I'll be in trouble!

Kayla's finally coming out of her terrible-twos. At least I think so, and at the risk of jinxing it. She's still got moments of total terror, but she's also more even-tempered and cooperative. She understands what we tell her almost completely now so she's follows directions really well. We can tell her to throw something in the garbage and she'll walk over and do it. We can tell her to wait by the stairs for us and she'll go and stand there until we come to get her. Little things like that that seem simple and unimportant, but it's a world of difference when it comes to the battles we normally have.

She is even starting to climb less, but it's not done completely.

Kylie went through a phase for a while where she was pretty much inconsolable all the time, and it was a rough few weeks. Nothing you did helped her... and when I say I tried everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Kayla was colicky so I know all the tricks. I think part of the problem was that she wasn't drinking well from the bottles we were using. It was either lucky timing or the bottles were the problem, because as soon as I switched to the standard sized Playtex Ventaire bottles, she drank like she had never eaten before in her life, and everything else started to even out as well. She still fights her naps and she's a baby who definitely needs a nap, so sometimes the days are pretty long come the afternoon. But we're getting there and I'll take this over what we were doing before.

That's pretty much what's been happening around here. We got rid of the outside stuff for the winter, so we've already started our hibernation. I sure hope that it doesn't snow a lot this year!!

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