We just keep swimming!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Letter Success- Our first breakthrough


Weeks (14, now, to be exact) have gone by without a semblance of a trace of an interest from Kayla in letters and their sounds. I know she's not even three, but there will always be a part of me that expects her to show me how smart I know she is, even when I know she's a toddler and prone to being easily distracted or stubborn.

I made a letter board and hung in it her little book nook. I toss the letter of the week up there and then add pictures of things that start with that letter. Last week I had M hanging up, and added pictures of Muno, Mommy, Mouse, Monkey and Moon. Several times a day, as I have for the past two months (plus), I ask her what words start with the letter M, and finally, FINALLY, this week she actually got some. "Muno! Mommy! Mousie!" Of course I'm pretty sure she's not gasping that it's the MMM sound, but remembering the pictures from the board is a start. I guess we'll see how the other letters go, but for now I'm reveling in our minor success.

Today's happy mommy moment brought to you by the letter M.