We just keep swimming!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Breastfeeding: I powered through.

Somehow I managed to keep breastfeeding. I know my last nursing post was about how things were going downhill, but being stubborn, I guess I powered through it. Ok, truthfully, I'm lazy. I can't believe I"m saying this now, but nursing her is actually easier than the idea of making and cleaning bottles. Even though I'm wanting to transition her into her own bed now, I still appreciate the ability to bring her next to me in the middle of the night and let her nurse herself back to sleep. I'm also cheap, so the thought of buying formula is irritating. 

I do worry that she's getting enough. She was 8 pounds at birth and is only now just doubling her weight at 7 months. Her appointment last week showed her weighing 16 lbs. 13 oz. and she dropped on the growth chart quite a bit. My mother-in-law's doctor, who we went to because of the confusion with the move now, isn't concerned after checking over her charts and taking a look at her. But I'm pretty sure Kayla was already nearly tripling her weight at some time around now. She's getting some solids now and finally a little interested, but it's only practicing at this point. I don't know. Mommy concern sometimes gets a little out of hand. 

Well, regardless of all that, I'm really glad I just kept at it. It's not my favorite thing, but I'm glad I'm able to do it. I know it's best for her, even if formula is also a perfectly good option, as well. I'm proud of myself for not giving in because of my awareness of the fact and how readily available those cans are in the store. I still haven't gotten used to nursing in public and probably won't, but I am also fine with finding a private place or feeding her in the car before heading into wherever I need to go. I have done it twice though! Once at the Detroit Zoo, and once at Sesame Place. Both times were awkward, but I can at least say I've tried. And that's not anyone's fault but my own- I think and wish that breastfeeding would be more common and acceptable. There's nothing wrong with anyone who does freely nurse in public, and I find myself bristling whenever I hear people bashing it. 

All in all, I'm still here! Yay! I have no idea how much longer I'll do it for, and I might wake up tomorrow and decide it's been long enough. But so far, I know I'll stop on my own terms instead of what my milk ducts decide and that's pretty awesome. 


  1. Good for you, Danielle! I love breastfeeding and am totally with you on the laziness! I can't imagine washing bottles. Owen won't even take one so my pump is collecting tons of dust and I like it that way! I nursed my oldest for 18 months and not once did I nurse in public. I always hid in a quiet room or nursed in the car (although even that was rare). Since Owen won't take a pacifier or a bottle, I'm all he's got when it comes to milk so I do what I gotta do! Luckily he's on a predictable schedule now so I can pretty much work life around his feedings. Keep on keeping on! You're doing awesome!!

  2. Thanks Leslie! I can't imagine breastfeeding for 18 months- that is awesome! My goal is 12, so we're getting there. I really thought I would like using my bottles this time around again, but wow- nursing is just so much easier. It's so different from with Kayla. Even though Paige isn't really on a schedule I can't imagine doing it any other way.
