We just keep swimming!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pregnancy updates

I also forgot to add some pregnancy updates. I'm 28 weeks and a few days... again. They changed my due date and didn't bother telling me, and I had to find out when they sent me to Labor and Delivery to have the baby monitored for slower movements. I really, really, really can't stand my doctor. She has no idea who I even am when I walk into the room and swears she's told me things that she definitely has not.

When I asked her if she delivered at the other hospital in the area, she told me "No, we tell all our patients that the first visit, I definitely told you the first time I saw you." I had to remind her that no, she definitely did NOT, because the first time she saw me I was brought in early as an emergency for bleeding, and she insisted my pregnancy was non-developing. Why would she have told me where she delivers while she's also telling me, absolutely, that my pregnancy isn't developing?

At the last appointment she also insisted my due date has never changed from the start. I had to remind her, again, that she was wrong, and then she gets awkward. It definitely did change, though, and she definitely did recalculate it twice because at my 8 week appointment when I thought I was due Feb. 19th, she told me twice I was due the 12th. Now I'm Suddenly due the 21st. It makes me wonder if she's dyslexic or if the date was written down backwards accidentally at some point. I know what she told me that one appointment way back when- definitely that I was 9 weeks and some days instead of 8 and some days, and that I was due the 12th. If she's insisting it was never changed, then I don't know what to make of it.

Anyway, I know it's a just an estimate, but the 12th is a huge jump from the 21st.

Aside from that my pregnancy isn't as painful as Kayla's was... I'm mostly just tired. All my other symptoms are fleeting and manageable. I did have a scare with her movement earlier this week that landed me in Labor and Delivery for monitoring, but it turns out that she's perfectly fine, just slipped into a position that is making me feel less now. It's just really strange to go from violent kicking all day long to barely anything at all.

My 1 hour glucose tolerance test came back abnormal. I was so surprised (I really expected to pass it) I forgot to ask the actual number while I was there. I read a ton of posts online about people's numbers, and decided to call and see what it was- 174. They said they do the 3 hour for anything over 120... so I was WAY over. Most of the other people online have doctors that fail you after 140. Either way- still WAY over. I did the 3 hour yesterday and that was some new form of torture for me. Fasting starting at 8 PM the night before, waking up hungry, exhausted, nauseous, thirsty, getting stuck with a needle 4 times in 4 hours, having to sit still in the waiting room the entire time... AND the last lab tech to draw blood messed up the needle so my blood squirted halfway across the room- all over me, her, the floor, the chair, and my suede bag that was on my lap. I think everyone in the room was waiting for me to lose it... they suddenly were all very helpful and overly nice. They must get a lot of nasty, hungry, crazy pregnant ladies in there for that test to know that at that point I was ready to rip someone apart anyway. But I was nice and just said it was fine. I was so relieved to be able to leave I couldn't even care at the moment.

By the time I got home I barely made it upstairs before I blacked out. Like, not sleeping- my vision tunneled again and I passed out. Not feeding pregnant people for 16 hours is just stupid. I came to, ate something, and passed out for 4 hours. Thankfully, Brian was home all day so he was with Kayla and I could sleep it off.

I get the results sometime next week. The statistics all say that about 2/3 of the people who have to take the 3 hour pass with flying colors. I'm hoping I'm in that category. I will be so surprised, again, if I actually do have it- I have none of the risk factors. If I do, then I'll be the most miserable person you can imagine being around. I feel bad for everyone who has to deal with me.

I have no problem admitting that my complaints are stupid and shallow, but I can't help it. I never have had to care about my diet- I'm lucky to be able to eat whatever I want and never gain weight. I have no other health problems to make my dieting a concern. I'm spoiled by being able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't even know what people with diabetes can't eat. Seriously. Carbs? Sugar? I don't even know what a carb actually is. After my appointment at he doctor when she told me I failed the 1 hour, shed told me to assume I have gestational diabetes for now until I get the results for the 3 hour. I stared blankly. She said to watch my carbs. So I came home, subduing the panic attack on the verge of happening, and wanted a sandwich. I remembered I needed to actually pay attention to the label, so I was looking at the bag for the nutritional information and lost it. I just sobbed. ANd sobbed. It was suddenly overwhelming. I was sitting there reading the levels for a slice of bread- I'd have to do this for everything I ate? My brain doesn't function on that level. I have anxiety attacks trying to prepare ONE MEAL without diet restraints- just trying to cook a regular old meal makes my heart race and my head spin. It's a large part of why I hate cooking. If I do cook anything, I need hours to prepare myself to do it. I go over each step in my head over and over. I go through the ingredients I'll need. I have to have all of them lined up on the counter, in the order that I'll need them, and I have to put everything away as I'm done with it because stuff on the counter just sitting there makes me nervous. SO yes, this whole caring in great detail about the carb content of food makes me cry.

But then again, I could, and more likely than not, and worrying over nothing. Since most people don't have a positive result from this second test, I am comforting myself in assuming it was just something I ate the morning before the 1 hour that cause my number to be so high.

I hope.

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