We just keep swimming!

Monday, December 19, 2011

31 weeks or so pregnant

I have some pictures I wanted to upload but I just don't feel like it anymore. Which is essentially how I've been feeling about most things. My belly has gone quickly past that "Obviously a baby bump but still cute" phase into being large and in charge and cumbersome and painful. My ribs are starting to ache and I am losing the ability to get comfortable quickly.

I passed the 3 glucose test, thankfully, after failing the 1 hour with a whopping 174. But... the next appointment showed me spilling sugar in my urine, and the doctor informed me that she was extremely surprised I passed my 3 hour, and that I should still act like I have GD. She wanted to do a blood stick thing in the office. She did, and I asked what number would be considered normal- 100 or so. I got a 54!! After not eating for only 1 hour my blood sugar was a 54. That's actually closer to being hypoglycemic than it is to being too high. Needless to say, I've only taken her suggestions for eating differently very lightly. I'll have to keep being monitored at every appointment to see how my sugar levels are.

Other than that, baby is moving around quite a lot and I've been having a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions. It can't be for lack of drinking water because I'm inhaling so much all day I want to throw up. The doctor thought she was head down last week, so I'm hoping we're not getting ready to make any appearances any time soon. I don't have time right now to go into labor. There is just way too much left to do around this place and Christmas is just a really inconvenient time for me. Nevermind the fact that I'd like to avoid a premie.

I'm always so, so, so, so, so soososososososooo tired. I could sleep all day and not feel any less tired. I don't know how I did this working and going to school over-time last pregnancy. I feel like I'm ready to collapse from fatigue and driving is even getting a little scary! Ugh.

February, come on and get here!

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