I can't wait for Spring to finally get here so we can play outside and get more exercise. I think I'll feel better about giving her a more well-rounded day if she can get some fresh air every day. I'm guilty of hibernating in the winter- I hate the cold on top of being paranoid about driving when it might be icy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that within two weeks we can have the backyard set up and ready to play in.
Some of her Artwork hanging over her art desk-
The beginnings of her reading corder:
I needed a fix to keep Kylie away from the paper books (she eats them). The play kitchen used to be in this corner, but since it's up a step anyway I switched the books and the kitchen giving Kayla a little nook to read in. I'll spruce it up, maybe get a cute sign for her. I also added the letter of the week cork board. She's terribly uninterested in the letters and their sounds as of yet, so I'm trying to get her more psyched about it by giving her a board to hang things that start with with whatever letter we're working on. We'll see how it goes.
My feltboard-
I'll be making some fun things to play with on there, eventually. The other night I dreamt in feltboard stories, and although it was the most boring dream I've ever had, I took it as a sign to make on of these bad boys. I got a cheap frame from Walmart, although I'm sure I could have found a prettier one for cheap at a thrift shop. I bought some felt from the fabric store and let Kayla choose the color- she wanted green. This frame had a cardboard back and a flexible plastic where nicer frames would have glass. Remove that glass, but I left the plastic to make it sturdier. Then I just hotglued the felt to the cardboard and put it back in the frame. Yay!
Anywho, I have two babies getting into shenanigans again so I'm off!